It is recommended to create an account NOT using your personal work email, instead use a corporate common email, which your company usually uses for the software registrations. Do not sign up with a phone number, use an email.
2. Download the .pbix file from the PowerBi application installed on your Bitrix24 portal ("Get started" tab).
3. Open the online version of PowerBi click "My workspace" ->Create -> Dataset
4. Click "Get" button on the Files block and pick a .pbix file you downloaded on the step 1.
5. Click on the dataset from your .pbix file you just downloaded at your workspace. Click the "...", then click "settings" at the menu.
6. Insert your token at the settings menu and click "Apply". You can find your token at the PowerBI Integration application at your Bitrix24 portal, at the "My report" tab.
Make sure that there is no yellow warning in the "Data source credentials" menu. If you have one, click the "Edit credentials" and go to the step 3.
The Configure window will appear. You don't need to do any cofigurations, just click the "Sign In" button.
7. Return to your workspace, find the downloaded dataset and click the refresh icon to transfer your data from Bitrix24 to PowerBi.
If your report doesn't update, follow this instruction.
8. When the transfering process will be finished your data appear at the new report.
You can change the templates and create new pages.
However, using an online version you CAN NOT manage the relationships between the models, create new columns and calculated measures, add new data to the upload (for example lists or deal status history). To do all this and much more, you need to use Power BI Desktop.