First make sure that you already added custom fields to your report (see the instruction here).
If your custom field has "list" type, you'll see just IDs, but not the data itself. To show the data you need to be an administrator at your Bitrix24 portal, so you could create webhooks there.
1.Open the "Developer resources" menu at your Bitrix24 portal.
2. Click on the "Other"
3. Click "Inbound webhook"
4. Set CRM access permission and save
You don't need to chose anything at the Request builder part, that block is here just for the demonstration.
5. Generate a link to get the data for your custom field.
YOUR_PORTAL_URL - for example,
YOUR_ID_AT_YOUR_PORTAL - your ID, you can see it at your Bitrix24 profile URL
YOUR_SECRET_WEBHOOK_TOKEN - will be generated automatically after the webhook creating
METHOD - depends on which CRM entity is connected to the custom field.
for Leads - crm.lead.userfield.list
for Companies -
for Contacts -
for Deals -
CUSTOM_FIELD_CODE - can be found when editing a custom field at the page's URL (includes "UF_CRM" at the beginning)
Go to CRM -> Settings -> Form and report settings ->Custom fields
Pick the list of custom fields you need (for example, Deals) ->Pick a certain custom field and click Edit
Look at the page URL for the custom field code, for example UF_CRM_1584970188
Our result webhook link would look something like that:[FIELD_NAME]=UF_CRM_1584970188
Paste this webhook link to the new tab of your browser and press Enter. You should have a result similar to the screenshot below. If something went wrong please let un know.
6. Open PowerBI Desktop and create a new Internet Request
7. Insert your webhook link to the URL field and press OK
8. Just click on the elements shown on the screenshots below:
9. Rename request for the convinience, for example "Deal format".
10. Click "Close and apply" to download the model to the report.
11. Now you need to create a connection between the new model (in our example it is "Deal format") and a model that includes your custom field (in our example it is Deals). If your custom field is connected with leads, companies or contacts in Bitrix24, pick the Clients model in PowerBi.
12. Make sure that everything works as it should.
If you have any question or problem please let us know and we will help you.
If you succeed that means you did a great job and this instruction works!
P.S. Every token from the examples is expired, no need to copy those.